函数声明/Function Declarations

Keep short function declarations on one line including the opening brace:


func reticulateSplines(spline: [Double]) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

For functions with long signatures, put each parameter on a new line and add an extra indent on subsequent lines:


func reticulateSplines(
  spline: [Double],
  adjustmentFactor: Double,
  translateConstant: Int, 
  comment: String
) -> Bool {
  // reticulate code goes here

Don't use (Void) to represent the lack of an input; simply use (). Use Void instead of () for closure and function outputs.

不要使用 (Void) 来表示入参为空的情况,用 () 即可。在闭包和函数的输出参数为空的情况时,推荐使用 Void, 而不是 ()


func updateConstraints() -> Void {
  // magic happens here

typealias CompletionHandler = (result) -> Void

不推荐(Not Preferred):

func updateConstraints() -> () {
  // magic happens here

typealias CompletionHandler = (result) -> ()

函数调用/Function Calls

Mirror the style of function declarations at call sites. Calls that fit on a single line should be written as such:


let success = reticulateSplines(splines)

If the call site must be wrapped, put each parameter on a new line, indented one additional level:


let success = reticulateSplines(
  spline: splines,
  adjustmentFactor: 1.3,
  translateConstant: 2,
  comment: "normalize the display")

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